
September 27, 2024    
9:00 am - 4:00 pm
September 27, 2024
9:00-12:30 and 1:30-4:00 CST
Zoom Platform

This full-day training will provide a thorough overview on the Components for Enhancing Clinician Experience and Reducing Trauma (CE-CERT) model.

CE-CERT is a skills-based model for supporting emotional well-being in the helping professions. The five core components of CE-CERT: Experiential Engagement, Reducing Rumination, Conscious Narrative, Reducing Emotional Labor, and Parasympathetic Recovery, and the acquirable skills within each will be taught through both didactic and experiential activities.

Learning Objectives:
1) Participants will learn about the practical application of the CE-CERT model to enhance
well-being in the helping professions.
2) Participants will learn and discuss assumptions and myths associated with work-related
secondary traumatic stress.
3) Participants will learn the five core components of CE-CERT and how to apply their
associated micro-interventions to support professional and personal well-being.

It is HIGHLY recommended for those in a supervisory capacity to also attend the CE-CERT Supervisor Training on October 1, 2024, and attend the 10 consultation calls following the full-day training for full implementation of the model and application of the CE-CERT skills.

A limited number of scholarships are available to all applicants, however, NCTSN sites and affiliates will be given priority. Training is supported [in part] by Grant #H79SM085083 from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), and Grant #15PJDP-22-GX-03856-MECP awarded by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP), Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice. Views expressed in the training do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of SAMHSA, OJJDP or the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).


Beyond Self-Care: Managing Secondary Traumatic Stress Through a Skills-Based Model

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